Jadrná, Rozina
Rozina Jadrná (née Pokorná) was a Czech journalist and host of the music broadcast on Radio Free Europe. She emigrated from Czechoslovakia in 1948. After a short stay in Paris, she began her career in broadcasting at RFE in 1951 in Munich. She worked there as a radio host and from 1965 also as a DJ in the show “Odpoledne s hudbou” (Afternoon with music). The show, which played contemporary pop, jazz and rock music, focusing on young listeners, was very popular. Rozina Jadrná distinctively co-created its atmosphere, led correspondence and had other forms of contact with its listeners and also hosted a show called “Vzkazy domovu” (Messages Sent Home). After the occupation in August 1968, she personally engaged in helping emigrants, for example accommodating Karel Kryl. In 1980 she co-founded, together with her husband Karel Jadrný, exile edition “Arkýř”. Her activities, e.g. this contact with Czechoslovakia, were followed by the State Security (StB) for a long time – including StB’s well-known agent Minařík. After Rozina Jadrná’s death in April 1988 in Munich, there was a memorial service in the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord in Prague; RFE was able to inform listeners about the event thanks to a telephone call by an anonymous listener.
Kraj rojstva
Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Sedláček, Karel. 1993. Volá Svobodná Evropa. Praha: Archa 90.
Český rozhlas. 2013. "Portréty: Rozina Jadrná-Pokorná." Last modified October 24. https://prehravac.rozhlas.cz/audio/2992954.
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