Hidden Paths
Exits and Parallel Worlds
Hidden Paths
Exits and Parallel Worlds
Sala steagurilor fără stemă de la Revoluția din 1989
Demonstration of the people involved in the culture commu...
Title-page of samizdat Information about Charta 77
Horvat, Vlatka. Učenici 4K razreda na Norijadi u Zagrebu,...
Costina, Sorin. Cum am devenit colecționar, 1989. Manuscr...
Mimézis Gyűjtemény
Tricou cu găuri de gloanțe, decembrie 1989
VPN Statement of 20 November, 1989
Declaration of composers
Memorandum to the CC of the Romanian Communist Party by A...
A request to stop the prosecution of five Slovak intellec...
Supek, Rudi, intervju Radio Zagrebu, 1989. Zvučni zapis
Scrisoare trimisă de un cetăţean român către redacţia pos...
Ionică, Lucian. Revolution of 1989 - Living statue, Timiș...
Dokumentation des Straßenmusikfestes 10.06.1989
Graffiti w przejściu podziemnym w Warszawie, Plac na Rozd...
Заливаха, Опанас. Більярд (Табірне), 1989. Живопис.
ZrNO 1/1989
Supek, Rudi. Foreword to the third edition of the book Th...
A Bookshop Window in Communist Romania in the 1980s. Photo
Public Against Violence
Ecological Protests against Chlorine Pollution in Ruse
Homoród, Bálint [Béla Nóvé]. Kétség és remény közt: Erdél...
Flyer of the Vienna Volkstheater on a solidarity event fo...
Classroom samizdat of the Classical School in Zagreb,1989...
Theatre 'in der Wende' Collection
Arhiv mirovnoga pokreta u Ljubljani
Tiltakozás a polgári aktivisták sorozatos bebörtönzése el...
Ionică, Lucian. Wounded children, Timișoara, 1989. Photo
Feltámasztott mimézis
Items commemorating the youngest victim of the Revolution...
Plakat "Wanted" Krzysztofa Raczyńskiego
Informative note of the Securitate regarding Alexandru Că...
Diósi, Pál. 'Sorry Love, I Couldn't Prepare,' 1988-1989. ...
Revolution of 1989 in Timișoara - Private Photograph Coll...
Publikáció: A demokratikus szervezetek támogatása. In: A ...
Acquisition of Jindřich Chalupeckýʼs correspondence by th...
Appeal to Nonviolence, 9 October 1989
Arhivska zbirka časopisa Praxis i Korčulanske ljetne škole
Poster VPN
Hungary Can Be Yours. Commonpress No. 51, 1984—1989. Pero...
First Issue of the Bulgarian Samizdat Journal "Voice", 1989.
Antanas Miškinis collection
Strike Committee Collection at the Archive of Masaryk Uni...
"Spartakus" nr 6/7 1989
Letter from Alenka Bizjak to the editorial board of the m...
"Rewolta" magazine no. 3 / 1989
Magyar–román kapcsolatok a Kiáltó Szó 1989/1. számának ci...
Philipp, Tibor. Krassó György's performance: Renaming the...
Krtalić, Ivan. "Slučaj Ciguli Miguli” (The case of Ciguli...
Memorandum addressed to Nicolae Ceauşescu, President of t...
Dominican Book Institute
State security photos of Hungarian demonstrations (1989)
Tramps' songs
Krassó György visszanevezi Budapesten a Münnich Ferenc ut...