Fond Jaroslava Seiferta v Památníku národního písemnictví
The personal collection of Czech poet, journalist, writer and the Nobel Prize laureate Jaroslav Seifert (1901–1986) contains a unique correspondence, manuscripts, prints and clippings documenting the life of the important author, who was a critic of the communist regime from 1950 and a silenced poet and a representative of Czechoslovak independent literature after August 1968.
Strahovské nádvoří 1, 118 38 Praha 1 - Hradčany, Czech Republic
Pokaži na zemljevidu
- Češki
Ime zbirke
- Seifert Jaroslav
Historiat zbirke
Opis vsebine
The Jaroslav Seifert collection contains incoming and outgoing correspondence, his own and others’ manuscripts, and photographs documenting the life of this prominent poet, who had criticised the communist regime since the 1950s and became a “silent” poet and representative of Czechoslovak independent literature after 1968. It consists of 63 boxes.
- fotografije: unknown quantity
- rokopisi (osebni dokumenti, dnevniki, zapiski, pisma, načrti itn.): 1000-
Upravljalec zbirke
Geografsko področje sadanjega upravljanja
- mednarodni
Datum ustanovitve
- 1978
Kraj ustanovitve
Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
Pokaži na zemljevidu
Ustvarjalci vsebini
Pomembni dogodki iz zgodovine zbirke
Reprezentativne stvaritve
Tip dostopa
- visits by appointments
Avtor spletne strani
- Kůželová, Michaela
Janouch, František. 1995. Šel básník chudě do světa: Nobelova cena pro Jaroslava Seiferta. Praha: Český spisovatel. 2018. "Literární archiv Památníku národního písemnictví - Seifert Jaroslav." Accessed September 7.
ÚČL AV ČR. 2007. "Slovník české literatury po roce 1945: Jaroslav Seifert." Last modified January 17.
The description of this collection was created with the kind help of the director of the Museum of Czech Literature (PNP) Mgr. Zdeněk Freisleben, the head of the Literary Archive of the PNP PhDr. Tomáš Pavlíček, PhD., and the curator of the Literary Archive of the PNP PhDr. Petr Kotyk.
PNP. 2018. Výroční zpráva 2017." Accessed July 11.
Kotyk, Petr, interview by Kůželová, Michaela, May 24, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection