Exhibits of European Solidarity Centre
This collection expresses the artistic tendencies in the last decades of Polish reality under socialist regime. It includes a huge number of graphics, posters, paintings and drawings, as well as some items produced by opposition members held under detention.
Gdańsk, Poland
Pokaži na zemljevidu
- Angleški
- Poljski
Spletna stran
Ime zbirke
- Museum Items of the European Solidarity Centre
Historiat zbirke
Opis vsebine
- artefakti: 1000-
- grafika: 1000-
- publikacije: 1000-
- rokopisi (osebni dokumenti, dnevniki, zapiski, pisma, načrti itn.): 1000-
Upravljalec zbirke
Deležniki pri zbirki
Geografsko področje sadanjega upravljanja
- mednarodni
Datum ustanovitve
- 2008
Kraj ustanovitve
Gdańsk, Poland
Pokaži na zemljevidu
Ustvarjalci vsebini
Pomembni dogodki iz zgodovine zbirke
Reprezentativne stvaritve
Tip dostopa
- parts are closed to the public
Objavljene publikacije
- European Solidarity Centre Permanent Exhibition Guide, edited by Basil Kerski and Konrad Knoch, 2016, 116 pages, ISBN 978-83-62853-52-6
Del spleta
Avtor spletne strani
- Tołłoczko-Suchańska, Barbara
Krzencessa-Ropiak, Monika , interview by Tołłoczko-Suchańska, Barbara, April 24, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2020-02-06 08:32:15