Foreign Croatica Collection
Zagreb Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice 4, Croatia 10000
Pokaži na zemljevidu
- Angleški
- Hrvaški
- Italijanski
- Nemški
- Španski
Spletna stran
Ime zbirke
Foreign Croatica Collection
Historiat zbirke
Opis vsebine
- publikacije: 1000-
Upravljalec zbirke
Deležniki pri zbirki
Geografsko področje sadanjega upravljanja
- mednarodni
Datum ustanovitve
- 1945
Kraj ustanovitve
Zagreb, Croatia
Pokaži na zemljevidu
Ustvarjalci vsebini
Pomembni dogodki iz zgodovine zbirke
- Donation of books and periodicals from Vinko Nikolić to the National and University Library in Zagreb
- Exhibition: A Century of Croatian Books from the Croatian Diaspora from 1900 to 2000
- Exhibition: A Century of Croatian Periodicals from the Croatian Diaspora from 1900 to 2000
- Exhibition: Serial Publications by Croats Living Outside of Croatia (from NUL fund)
- Event (general): A Series of Public Debates on Topics Relating to the Foreign Croatica Collection, 2014-2017
Reprezentativne stvaritve
- Banac, Ivo. The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics, 1984. Book
- Kadić, Ante. Croatian Reader: with Vocabulary. 's-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1960. Book
- Liburnicus, Georgius. Tito perseguidor (Tito the Persecutor). Madrid: [s. n.], 1952. Book
- Nevistić, Franjo and Nikolić, Vinko. Bleiburška tragedija hrvatskoga naroda (The Bleiburg Tragedy of the Croatian People). Munich: Hrvatska revija, 1976. Book
Tip dostopa
- completely open to the public
Objavljene publikacije
Del spleta
Avtor spletne strani
- Bencetić, Lidija
1) Lovrenčić, Željka. "Inozemna Croatica u Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Zagrebu˝ (Foreign Croatica in the National and University Library in Zagreb). Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske 54, no. 1/4 (2009), 135-142.
2) Pavleković, Ivan. Popis knjiga koje darujem Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Zagrebu: kulturno nacionalni spomenik emigracije domovini Hrvatskoj, neiscrpiva baština potomcima (The list of books that I donate to the National and University Library in Zagreb: an emigration cultural-national monument for homeland of Croatia, inexhaustible heritage to the descendants). Zagreb: Tuross Head, 2008.
3) Stipčević, Aleksandar. The National and University Library in Zagreb 1607-2007: On the Occasion of the 400th Anniversary. Zagreb: The National and University Library, 2007.
Lovrenčić, Željka, interview by Bencetić, Lidija , October 21, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection