A Nemzeti Videotéka megalapítása (1985)
In 1985, Gyula Juhász established the Institute of Hungarian Studies at the National Széchényi Library and became its first director. As a representative of the Hungarian Historical Society, he regarded the National Videotheque, launched by Péter Bokor and Gábor Hanák, as a praiseworthy undertaking. Since the Institute of Hungarian Studies worked under the auspices of the National Széchényi Library, he made the necessary arrangements to have the Library host the Videotheque. It was officially founded as the Collection of Historical Interviews in 1985. From 1986 until his death in 1993, Juhász was the director of the National Széchényi Library, and he made the status of the collection secure.
Avtor spletne strani
Huhák, Heléna
Scheibner, Tamás
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2019-02-17 22:07:00