Founding of the Artists' Archives of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
From the very beginning of the existence of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, the Artists’ Archives were designed as its integral part (formally, the Museum was established in 2005 and it launched its activities in 2008).
This happened owing primarily to the efforts of Maria Matuszkiewicz, a member of the founding team of the Museum, who has been supervising the development of the Archives since 2008.
This happened owing primarily to the efforts of Maria Matuszkiewicz, a member of the founding team of the Museum, who has been supervising the development of the Archives since 2008.
Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland
Pokaži na zemljevidu
Začetno leto dogodka
- 2008
Glavni protagonisti
Avtor spletne strani
- Szenajch, Piotr
Ključni dogodki v zgodovini zbirki
2019-02-17 22:14:45