Donation of the Rudi Supek Personal Papers to the Croatian State Archives
During his life, Croatian philosopher, sociologist and psychologist Rudi Supek (1913-1993), systematically collected an archive that reflected his life and work, which often did not fit into the dogmatic-ideological frameworks of the communist authorities in Yugoslavia. Supek is the original creator and collector of this archival collection. After his death in 1993, the material was kept in his apartment in Zagreb by his second wife, Vesna Kolarić Kišur. After her death in 2004, Supek's granddaughter Bojana Zupan donated Supek's archive to the Croatian State Archives (CSA) in 2005 (Act 21/2005). The contract of the donation was signed between CSA and Bojana Zupan. After the takeover, the material was stored 47 packaging boxes, and after archival processing, it consisted of 108 archival boxes and five large sets of archival material. During archival processing, approximately 4.5 l/m of the materials without lasting significance were extracted. These primarily consist of calculations, fragments, accounts, fragmentary notes, etc. Another 2.4 l/m of materials were separated and, based on provenance, was added to other CSA funds and collections. The journals and newspapers, books and brochures on sociological themes were submitted to the CSA Library, multiple copies of Supek's papers were donated to the Sociology Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, which maintains Supek's library. Marijan Bosnar archivally organised the Rudi Supek Personal Papers and created the analytical inventory in 2008, which was later published as a book (Bosnar 2010).
Dokumenti ob dogodku
Contract of Donation between the Croatian State Archives and Bojana Zupan
Ključni dogodki v zgodovini zbirki
Bosnar, Marijan. 2010. Osobni arhivski fond Rudi Supek: analitički inventar (Rudi Supek personal archival fund: analytical inventory). Zagreb: Hrvatski državni arhiv.
Bosnar, Marijan , interview by Mihaljević, Josip, July 18, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2017-12-14 09:08:01