Establishing the Film Award of Filmoteka of The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and The Polish Film Institute
The Filmoteka of the Museum of Modern Art and Polish Film Institute (PISF) Film Award was established in 2011.
It is the prize in the competition of the “best fiction film screenplay created by an artist, set between visual and film arts (experimental film), not shorter than 71 minutes that can function both in the circuit of contemporary art institutions (museums, galleries, art biennale, etc.), as well as the cinematographic institutions (cinemas, arthouse cinemas, film festivals, etc.), whose first designated field of exploitation is cinema.”
The award consists of year-long film directing course and financing for the film project presented in the competition.
Thus far the winners include Łukasz Ronduda and Maciej Sobieszczański, who filmed the “Perfomer”,
Zbigniew Libera, who shot “Walser” and Agnieszka Polska, who is working on the picture titled "Hurra! Wciąż żyjemy”.
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2019-02-12 16:51:25