Open Air Ausstellung zur Revolution 1989/90
Berlin Ruschestraße 103, Germany 10365
Pokaži na zemljevidu -
Berlin, Alexanderplatz, Germany
Pokaži na zemljevidu
Spletna stran
Začetno leto dogodka
- 2009
Glavni protagonisti
Dokumenti ob dogodku
- The Peaceful Revolution of 1989/90. Documentation of the open-air exhibition at Alexanderplatz in Berlin from the 7th of May 2009 until the 3rd of October 2010, edited and published by the Robert-Havemann Society e.V. and Cultural Projects Berlin GmbH: Berlin, 2010.
Avtor spletne strani
- Sonnenberg, Uwe
Ključni dogodki v zgodovini zbirki
2019-02-22 13:02:57