Studio of Activities, Documentation and Propagation established, event, 1972
In 1972 Przemysław Kwiek and Zofia Kulik moved in together to an apartment in Warsaw Praga, near popular sites of the district, i.e. Targowa street, Wileński Station, and the Różycki Bazaar. The apartment had belonged to Kwiek’s family for generations. In its separate part, albeit with a common kitchen and bathroom, still lived Kwiek’s mother and four of his siblings. Nonetheless, Kwiek and Kulik used one of their two rooms to found the Studio of Activities, Documentation and Propagation (PDDiU). It served as their studio, archive, and space for holding exhibitions:
usually slideshows with commentary for invited guests from Poland and abroad. The book summarising the artistic career of KwieKulik interprets the name of the Laboratory in the following manner:
“The three parts of the PDDiU name characterise the working method of the KwieKulik duo. Activities: transformations of material and space and dissenting behaviours were inseparably linked with recording them, i.e. the Documentation. KwieKulik documented methodically their own activities and the ephemeral art of other authors. The next stage, that is, the Propagation, included original presentations, which involved managing the selection of gathered documentation; each time the artists would create a scenario for their presentation.”
Many years later PDDiU will change its name to KwieKulik Archive.
Dokumenti ob dogodku
KwieKulik. Zofia Kulik & Przemysław Kwiek, Łukasz Ronduda, Georg Schöllhammer (eds.), Warsaw/Wrocław/Viena 2012.
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2018-06-18 17:41:54