Obtaining of Glavlit collection by Lithuanian Central State Archives
Glavlit documents were transferred to the Lithuanian Central State Archives in 1986. This was related to the decision to create a separate Glavlit fond in the archives (the first transfer of documents was a purely bureaucratic decision). After Glavlit was liquidated in 1990, its documents in the archive were complemented with new documents.
Vilnius O. Milašiaus gatvė 19, Lithuania 10102
Pokaži na zemljevidu
Začetno leto dogodka
- 1986
Glavni protagonisti
Dokumenti ob dogodku
- https://eais-pub.archyvai.lt/eais/faces/pages/forms/search/F3001.jspx
Avtor spletne strani
- Ivanauskas, Vilius
Ključni dogodki v zgodovini zbirki
2018-03-11 16:57:06