Acquisition of the Czechoslovak Society of Art and Sciences collection by the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
The documents from the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences from 1957–1977, which originated from the series "The Czechoslovak State Idea 1938–1948", were transferred in 1991 from the USA to Petr Kolář, an employee at the Institute of Contemporary History (ÚSD) of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague. This transfer was also made possible thanks to the cooperation of the Czechoslovak Embassy in Washington and the US Embassy in Prague. The transfer was preceded by Kolářʼs visit to the USA, where the transfer of the documents was negotiated. Petr Kolář organized the collection and created a provisional inventory, and the collection was subsequently deposited in the Documentation Department of the ÚSD in April 1992. In 2011 the collection containing seven cartons (boxes) was moved to the National Archives. The collection remains in its original form with no subsequent additions.
Ključni dogodki v zgodovini zbirki
Národní archiv, fond Společnosti pro vědy a umění, USA
2019-02-19 11:02:06