Donation, 2008
Following his death in 1995, the negotiations regarding Heiner Müller's estate lasted for several years. Nonethless, from the outset it was clear that the Academy of Arts would not take possession of his personal library. In 2000, Müller's widow, Brigitte Maria Mayer, decided to donate it to the Institute for German Literature at Humboldt-University in Berlin. This was mainly because the head of the Institute - Frank Hörnigk - had already earned a reputation as editor of Müller’s collected works. In 2008, Brigitte Maria Mayer eventually handed over the estate library to the Institute for German Literature, as a publicly accessible workplace and research center. Since then this "Transitraum" [space of transit] has been managed by Kristin Schulz and is constantly expanding.
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2017-05-26 15:05:13