International Samizdat Day
At the initiative of activists from Šintava, Slovakia (creators of website on 12/10/2016 met together in personal library Libri Prohibiti authors of czehoslovak samizdat. More than 20 of them signed declaration for recognition of Day of Samizdat. They want to celebrate this day, everyday year on the same day. Even though, that most of the participants were retirees, they ccepted the invitation and travelled from Czech Republic (30 dissidents), Moravia and Slovakia (10). Selection of the date 12/10/ has its historical context. DUring the era of normalization slovak and czech samizdat came together to defend slovak samizdat publisher, Ivan Polansky. On 12/10/1988 they wrote letter in defese of him and sent it to president of CSSR.
They want to 12/10 recognize as Day of Samizdat from 2 reasons: historical and present.
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2019-02-18 10:10:33