Establishment of the Artistic Archive of the Studio Theatre
In 2009 the management of the Studio Theatre decided to formally establish the Artistic Archive, in order to cater the needs of the researchers working on the history of theatre in Warsaw in 1970s and 1980s, as well as to organise all the materials it possessed. It was agreed that the documents from the period prior to 1972 would be placed in the Theatre Institute, while the rest, dating back to 1972 when Józef Szajna took the directoral office, would stay in the Studio Theatre in the Palace of Culture and Science. Mateusz Żurawski was designated as a manager of the archives. At the same time, he started working on the collection inherited from Jerzy Grzegorzewski, to which he decided to devote a separate unit of the Archive.
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2018-03-06 10:37:48