Czechoslovak Federal Ministry of the Interior
The Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic was established in January 1969 in connection with the adoption of the Constitutional Act on the Czechoslovak Federation. At the same time, two republican ministries - the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Socialist Republic and the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Socialist Republic - were established. The authority of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (FMV) was stipulated by Act No. 166/1968 Coll., through which the FMV was responsible for coordinating the activities of the bodies of both republics in heading the security services and components of the armed security services which were to fulfil special tasks in the protection of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and its federal bodies and institutions. It was also responsible for implementing state administration in regard to issues concerning both republics, for the protection of state and economic secrets, for the legal regulations concerning the borders of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and its state symbols, and for the legal regulation of road traffic rules.
Način upravljanja
Government/State organisation
Ključni protagonisti v ključnem dogodku
Centrum pro dokumentaci totalitních režimů. 2018. "Fedaral ministry of interior." Accessed July 23.
Centrum pro dokumentaci totalitních režimů. 2018. "Federální ministerstvo vnitra." Accessed July 23.
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