Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb
Zagreb Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Croatia 10000
Pokaži na zemljevidu
Spletna stran
Datum ustanovitve
- 1954
Akronim (če obstaja)
Vrsta organizacije
- Museum
Način upravljanja
- Government/State organisation
Vloga upravitelja
- Casual Passer-by Collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
- EXAT 51 and New Tendencies at the Tošo Dabac Archive
- Exploitation of the Dead Collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
- For the Democratization of Art Collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
- Homage to Josip Broz Tito Collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
Avtor spletne strani
- Bencetić, Lidija
Zbiratelj v zbirki
- Casual Passer-by Collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
- Exploitation of the Dead Collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
- For the Democratization of Art Collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
- Homage to Josip Broz Tito Collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
Ključni protagonisti v ključnem dogodku
- Exhibition: A Retrospective at the Municipal Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 1973
- Event (general): 2007-2017 The Tošo Dabac Archive's Photography Days
- Event (general): Opening of the permanent display of the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009.
- Event (general): Opening of the permanent display of the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009.
- Event (general): Opening of the permanent display of the Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009
- Exhibition: Zero for Conduct, Retrospect, 2012-2013.
- Exhibition: Braco Dimitrijević-A Retrospective at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 2017
Benažić, Marina , interview by Bencetić, Lidija , December 23, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2018-07-03 15:04:42