The papers of Andrei Sinyavsky in the Hoover Archives are very rich, amounting to 130 manuscript boxes and 1 oversized box. As such, the curator of the Russia and Eurasia Collection at the HIA was hesitant to choose among all the possibilities, saying that it was far too soon for researchers to come to a consensus about what are the most valuable artifacts in this vast collection. For the COURAGE project, Siniavskii's notebooks written in pencil during his stay in Lefortovo Prison and during his trial in Moscow are particularly relevant, as they document Siniavskii's conflict with the Soviet authorities. These notebooks include materials used for several key literary works, including Golos iz khora, Progulki s Pushkinym, V teni Gogolia, and Ivan-Durak.
Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6010 USA
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