Filtri ˆ

Müller, Friedrich 


Kraj rojstva

  • Valea Lungă, Romania

Datum rojstva

  • 1884

Datum smrti

  • 1969

Avtor spletne strani

  • Pintilescu, Corneliu


Arhiva Consiliului Naţional pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securităţii – ACNSAS (The Archives of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives), Fond Informativ (Operative Collection), Dosar de Urmărire Informativă (Surveillance File) no. 236 853, vols 1–3.

Gündisch, Konrad. 1997. “Müller, Friedrich.” Neue Deutsche Biographie 18: 383–384. Accessed October 28, 2010.

László, Leslie. 1989. “Religion and Nationality in Hungary.” In Religion and Nationalism in Soviet and East European Politics, edited by Pedro Ramet, 140–148. Durham: Duke University Press.

Müller, Friedrich. 1995. Erinnerungen. Zum Weg der siebenbürgisch-sächsischen Kirche 1944–1964. Mit einem Geleitwort von Gerhard Schullerus und einer Einleitung von Ulrich Andreas Wien. Köln–Weimar–Wien: Böhlau Verlag.

Pintilescu, Corneliu. 2014. “The Relationship between the Communist Regime and the Evangelical Church of Augustan Confession in Romania during the Episcopate of Friedrich Müller (1945–1969).” Religion – Staat – Gesellschaft 15: 247–271.

Ramet, Sabrina Petra. 1991. “Politics and religion in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.” In Politics and Religion in the Modern World, edited by G. Moyser, 67–96. London: Routledge.

Traşcă, Ottmar. 2011. „Constituirea Grupului Etnic German din România şi relaţiile cu Biserica evanghelică din Transilvania în primii ani ai ‘erei’ Andreas Schmidt. 1940–1942” (The Establishment of the German Ethnic Group in Romania and its Relationship with the Evangelical Church from Transylvania during the First Years of the Andreas Schmidt ‘era’, 1940–1942). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie „A.D. Xenopol” 48: 315–328.

2018-01-28 19:05:38