Pallas, Jiří
Jiří Pallas studied technics and, after emigrating, also system engineering. Between 1972 and 1978, he was one of organisers of folk concerts of songwriters within the association “Šafrán” until its elimination by the State Security (StB) at the end of the 1970s. Vladimír Merta, Vlastimil Třešňák, Dagmar Andrtová-Voňková or Jaroslav Hutka were also members of the association. Pallas and his wife were some of the first signatories to Charter 77 in 1976 and were forced to leave Czechoslovakia in 1977, due to StB’s operation “Asanace”. After his emigration to Sweden, Pallas founded and run the record label “Šafrán 78” between 1979 and 1985. It released LPs by singers and groups banned in Czechoslovakia, as well as well-known recording of Havel’s play “Audience” with actor Pavel Landovský. Pallas was also politically active in exile; he collaborated with “Výbor 21. srpna”, an organisation, activities of which focused on backing resistance against the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and where the initiative for creating “Fond na podporu Charty 77” (Støttefondet for Charter 77) started.
Kraj rojstva
Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
Houda, Přemysl. 2008. Šafrán: Kniha o sdružení písničkářů. Praha: Galén.
Pallas, Jiří, and Deník Referendum. 2012. "Sémantické posuny Františka Janoucha." Last modified February 23.
Houda, Přemysl. 2014. Intelektuální protest nebo masová zábava? Folk jako společenský fenomén v době tzv. normalizace. Praha: Academia.
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