Filtri ˆ

Cercetarea Etnografică în Dobrogea la Muzeul ASTRA din Sibiu



  • Nemški
  • Romunski

Historiat zbirke

Opis vsebine


  • rokopisi (osebni dokumenti, dnevniki, zapiski, pisma, načrti itn.): 500-999
  • siva literatura (brošure, bilteni, letaki, poročila, datoteke varnostnih služb, zapisi, delovni listi, evidence sestankov): 1000-

Upravljalec zbirke


Geografsko področje sadanjega upravljanja

  • deželni

Ustvarjalci vsebini


Tip dostopa

  • completely open to the public

Objavljene publikacije

  • Deleanu, Valerie, and Delia Voina, ed. 2012. Morile de vânt din Dobrogea. Hedwig Ulrike Ruşdea în memoria etnomuzeologiei româneşti (The windmills of Dobrogea: Hedwig Ulrike Ruşdea in the collective memory of Romanian ethno-museology). Sibiu: ASTRA Museum.


Avtor spletne strani

  • Pintilescu, Corneliu


Kligman, Gail, and Katherine Verdery. 2011. Peasants under Siege: The Collectivization of Romanian Agriculture, 1949-1962. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Iordachi, Constantin. 2009. “‘Constanţa, the first collectivized region:’ Soviet geo-political interests and national and regional factors in the collectivization in Dobrogea.” In Transforming peasants, property and power: the collectivization of agriculture in Romania, 19491962, edited by Constantin Iordachi and Dorin Dobrincu, 103–139. Budapest: CEU Press.

Deleanu, Valerie, and Delia Voina, ed. 2012. Morile de vânt din Dobrogea. Hedwig Ulrike Ruşdea în memoria etnomuzeologiei româneşti (The windmills of Dobrogea: Hedwig Ulrike Ruşdea in the collective memory of Romanian ethno-museology). Sibiu: ASTRA Museum.

Vasile, Cristian. 2014. Viaţa intelectuală şi artistică în primul deceniu al regimului Ceauşescu: 1965–1974 (Intellectual and artistic life in the first decade of the Ceauşescu regime). Bucharest: Humanitas.


Robu, Lucian Nicolae , interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, April 27, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-01-08 17:49:58