Filtri ˆ

Czechoslovak Hungarian Workers' Cultural Association (CSEMADOK) Archive



  • Madžarski
  • Slovaški

Spletna stran

Historiat zbirke

Opis vsebine

  • The collection contains documents from the holdings of the Central Committee. It includes correspondence, regulations and reports from CSEMADOK meetings. Additionally, it contains documents related to the organisation of national festivals. Publications are a very important part of the collection.


  • publikacije: 500-999

Datum ustanovitve

  • 1996

Kraj ustanovitve

Ustvarjalci vsebini

Pomembni dogodki iz zgodovine zbirke

Tip dostopa

  • completely open to the public

Objavljene publikacije

  • Szabó, Rezső. 2004. A Csemadok és a Prágai tavasz. Pozsony: Kalligram.

Avtor spletne strani

  • Bothová, Barbara


Végh, László, interview by Bothová, Barbara, November 29, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-11 15:42:32