Filtri ˆ

Illegal Groups in Kosovo (1945 - 1990) collection

This private collection addresses the topic of illegal groups operating in Kosovo between 1945 and 1990. The collection contains documents, court decisions, interviews (transcribed and in audio file format) as well as relevant literature on the topic gathered by Sabile Keçmezi-Basha, illustrating a half-century of resistance against the Yugoslav political system.



  • Albanski
  • Srbski

Ime zbirke

  • Illegal Groups in Kosovo (1945 - 1990)

Historiat zbirke

Opis vsebine


  • glasovni posnetki: 10-99
  • publikacije: 10-99
  • rokopisi (osebni dokumenti, dnevniki, zapiski, pisma, načrti itn.): 500-999

Upravljalec zbirke


Geografsko področje sadanjega upravljanja

  • narodni


Datum ustanovitve

  • 1980

Kraj ustanovitve

Ustvarjalci vsebini

Tip dostopa

  • visits by appointments

Objavljene publikacije

Avtor spletne strani

  • Hetemi, Atdhe


Reference: (Keçmezi-Basha, Të  burgosurit politik shqiptarë në Kosovë 1945-1990 [Albanian Political Prisoners in Kosovo 1945-1990], Shkup-Prishtinë-Tiranë, 2010)

Keçmezi - Basha, Sabile, interview by Hetemi, Atdhe, March 29, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-11 15:33:12