Filtri ˆ
 alternativne oblike izobraževanja
 alternativni življenjski slog in odproti proti vsakdanjemu
 avantgarda, neoavantgarda
 demokratična opozicija
 državni nadzor
 filozofska/teoretična gibanja
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 neodvisno novinarstvo
 partijski disidenti
 popularna kultura
 samizdat in tamizdat
 socialna gibanja
 survivors of persecutions under authoritarian/totalitarian regimes
 svoboda vesti
 theatre and performing arts
 underground culture
 verski aktivizem
 visual arts
 women's movement
 youth culture
 zaštita okoliša
 znanstvena kritika
 študentsko gibanje
 tip vsebina
 zemljepisni obseg
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79 najdene zbirke
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The Art Collections of the Museum of Czech Literature contain works of art connected with the literary field (illustrations, visual works by writers, graphics, etc.). The collection has been built from inheritances; a number of works by officially non-approved artists from the period before 1989 are present here.

Artlist is an online database that maps the development of modern and contemporary Czech fine art from the second half of the 20th century. Artlist is a unique project that allows free and online searches of authors and their works, including the artist's biography and catalog, and a detailed description of his work.